Monday, May 7, 2012

Reading Log

Pages read this week: 130
Pages read total: 2984

The day has finally come. This is it. After this reading log, I, along with my fellow classmates, will be done with keeping anyone who reads this up to date on what I'm currently writing. Pretty crazy how just some odd weeks ago, the syllabus was just being given to us. I decided to pick up the book Steve Jobs which was written just shortly before Jobs' death. It is interesting to see who Jobs was as a person other than the Apple genius that he obviously was. The book explores his life to solely give the purpose of his kids knowing who he was since they're too young to probably remember him when they grow up. This book was boring at parts but a funny story would be told and I would be re-motivated to continue reading it. The cover really struck me as interesting with the white background and the gray scale Jobs. As a whole over this semester of reading, my goals were very hard to reach and I hardly was able to accomplish them. Reading 20 minutes a day was one of the harder goals as I am busy with piles of homework a night and working part-time at a local frozen yogurt shop. Better luck next time?

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