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I know I left all of you on a cliff hanger of what was going to happen next after I ended my last reading blog talking about the new book I was reading, Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Dog's Life. Well, I loved the book so much that I have kept with it. I continue to be a baby and weep page after page because of all these heart wrenching stories. The one story that I read that I read that has really left a dent in my heart was one I caught myself telling anyone and everyone (I accidently told the story multiple times to the same person..whoops!) that would listen to me.
Here it goes: There was a family who had little children who had begged and begged for a dog repeatedly. Then, on Christmas Eve, a white poodle showed up on their front porch lost or abandoned. They finally decided it was fate and it came time to name it. The pooch was wet and one of the kids said that it looked like a wet noodle. Noodles was now born. A few doors down, a girl dog Wendy resided. With Noodles being a boy, he and Wendy had a love affair producing Pepper. Pepper was then adopted by another fellow neighbor. Soon enough, every morning at 10 AM, Pepper would scratch at Noodles' door. Noodles' owner would open the door and let him join Pepper. The two of them would stop by Wendy's house and do the same picking her up. They did this for multiple other dogs in the neighborhood and went on a trot down the neighborhood without any supervision from a human but would always come back home. As there are beginnings, there are also endings. Wendy died. They were down one key member but kept going. Finally, Noodles died. Noodles' owner was dreading for the next morning's 10 AM to roll around. Sure enough, on the dot, Pepper came scratching at the door. Noodles' owner took a deep breath and opened the door and sat down with Pepper. She proceeded to explain to him what happened and that Noodles wouldn't be returning. The next day, Pepper didn't return.
Maybe it's the fact that I'm a girl or the fact that these dogs had such a strong bond, you hate seeing anything awful happening to the ritual.

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